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15 March, 2023

#39 Portrait d'une femme dans le secteur financierr: Apolline Deglasse

1)      Can you shortly present your role as today in the organisation​?

I am a Product Manager at MeDirect. I tackle investment products. We also propose new investments projects and solutions.


2)      What brought you to finance?​

By accident, the description of Product Manager seemed very appealing to me. I didn’t have a passion for finance, but I’ve a good knowledge in investment. My position is not purely finance but also includes a wide range of fields like marketing and product creation. What I enjoy the most in my job is the different challenges you need to overcome to finally see the project you have been working on going live.


3)      What did you learn recently regarding gender equality?​

I noticed that it’s still a male dominated field. We have much less women in pure financial positions. When we hold webinars, 99% of the participants are men and that’s a shame. We also notice that investors are mainly male and there are too few women that invest. Our challenge is to create products and content to encourage women to start with investments the same way as men.  I believe this trend should evolve.


4)      What was one of the decisions that had the most impact on you or your career? ​

Personally, it was when I decided to resign from my job as I wasn’t given the opportunity to grow further in my career. I needed something more challenging. That’s why I chose to work for MeDirect. I feel lucky to be where I am now.


5)      Any message to share with female students interested in finance, or with young women starting their career?​

Women shouldn’t be scared to consider a position in finance or banking. You don’t need to be an expert. We are all capable of learning and doing it.