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12 December, 2022

#25 Portrait d'une femme dans le secteur financier: Vanessa Galhardo-Galhetas

"The financial sector is at the heart of our society, it is one of the founding blocks that makes personal and entrepreneurial projects possible. With all the challenges ahead, the financial sector has a lot of interesting challenges to offer and needs talented people to engage in this process. It is a place where different talents can find their place."  

Can you shortly present your role as today in the organisation (in 1 sentence)​?

Today, I work as a consultant in the area of Legal, Compliance and Leadership with clients primarily in the financial sector and serve as Independent Non-Executive Director for Alterfin. 


What brought you to finance ?​

My entrance in the financial sector was one of coincidence. As a regulatory lawyer, I was asked by my employer to work on the legislation on Anti-Money Laundering and Data Protection. A legislation that was less developed as today, but was immediately identified as high impactful and important. With my first experience in finance, I was contacted by a recruiter for a next job in finance and this is how it all started.  


What did you learn recently regarding gender equality ?

Gender equality is not just about women, it is about men and women and accepting that women and men are on equal footing. It is about taking initiatives to ensure that we will not wait for one hundred years to attain an equal representation in decision-making positions. And let's hope, it is a first step towards a future where gender equality will be evident, just like we accept that the earth is round and not flat.  


What was one of the decisions that had the most impact on you/your career? ​

My decision to found my own consultancy in the area of Legal, Compliance and Leadership has had an important impact on me and my career. First, because I overcame the fear to leave an employee status, a status quo that seemed comfortable and decided to create a new activity that would have added value to others and myself. Secondly, because daring to explore new horizons has allowed me to have many new experiences and acquire more skills and knowledge that can be of the benefit of others today. 


What would you tell your younger self ?​

Dare. Believe in yourself and do not doubt your capacity to do it all. 

Any message to share with female students interested in finance, or with young women starting their career?​

The financial sector is at the heart of our society, it is one of the founding blocks that makes personal and entrepreneurial projects possible. With all the challenges ahead, the financial sector has a lot of interesting challenges to offer and needs talented people to engage in this process. It is a place where different talents can find their place.  

Interviewed by: Abigail Levrau