Inclusion in Finance Toolbox
Wo·Men in Finance, together with Febelfin, created a toolbox focused on inclusion. This toolbox proves to be a useful aid when building an action plan. The toolbox contains 25 tools (training sessions, checklists, exercises, selfassessments, games…) aimed at reducing the impact of unconscious bias, tackling micro-aggressions, making the company culture more inclusive, and developing inclusive leadership.
Go to Inclusion in Finance! Go directly to the toolbox!

Inclusive Panels
Thanks to the efforts of diversity experts from various organizations such as Wo·Men in Finance, Women on Board, the Diversity Managers Association Belgium and many other female top managers from different companies and sectors, the website inclusive panels and the charter inclusive panels were created.
The goal: raising awareness on the importance of diverse panels in the areas of gender, age, background and other aspects of identity. Are you an organization, company or speaker and also commited to creating and raising awareness about mixed panels? Or do you want to find inclusive speakers? Check out the inclusive panels website.
Website inclusive panelsTools