
We have portraits of inspiring women on Instagram and on here our site: women of all ages, origins, in all types of jobs in finance. The goal is to give women working in finance more visibility, to create role models to inspire young women (you cannot be what you cannot see) and to reduce stereotypes about working in finance. If you want to contribute to the portraits, send an email to info@womeninfinance.be to receive the template for the interview.

The financial industry should be more balanced and reflect the diversity of our society; we need women in finance to make sure that everything we do in that sector is a mirror of our society, be it in developing relevant solutions or providing adapted recommendations. Valerie Nowak - Product and Innovation in Europe for Mastercard

I would therefore encourage my younger self to open as many doors as possible and to not be afraid to try different paths at any moment in life. The road is not a straight line, it has sometimes dead ends, obstacles, traps, but hey, young girl, keep going, take each challenge, each experience is unique and eventually makes you a better person!

I am very proud and pleased to see that there has been so much focus across the financial industry on gender equality. There has been a shift, you can see it in the institutions’ pipeline and in the institutions support in the growth of female talent. Eimear Creaven - President of Western Europe at Mastercard

I consider everyone getting equal chances as essential. No matter what your gender, origin, religion or walk of life is