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12 October, 2023

Senior Wo.Men in Finance

50 women senior managers from 21 different institutions came together to delve deep into the critical career obstacles highlighted by the recent WoMen in Finance Belgium survey about career barriers and corporate culture.

The survey underscored three main barriers: leadership style, office politics, and inappropriate behaviour.
The goal of the meeting, facilitated by Claire Godding,
Nathalie Delaere and Mathy Mande Muteba were to raise awareness and shed light on these structural barriers by sharing lived experiences.

We believe that understanding the challenges and realising that these are not just isolated facts, is the first pivotal step towards breaking them down.

At a quasi-unanimous request of the participants, we're thrilled to announce a second session, where we'll dig even deeper to uncover the root causes and start crafting an action plan to create more inclusive corporate cultures.
Our collective determination is clear: we're on a mission to pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse financial sector in Belgium