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28 July, 2022

#22 Portrait of a woman in finance: Mounira Hached

“If you can dream it, you can do it” 

From when I was a young girl, I have always dreamed of working in the banking sector. There was no doubt in my mind that this was the perfect career field for me. I’ve always loved the finances sector because it is very dynamic, agile and I knew that I would be learning something new every single day. I loved the prestige of working in a bank, the elegance of a woman working in finance and the confidence people in this industry exude.  

I was born and raised in Tunisia, where I completed my degree in finance. I had big dreams of working for a high profile company and I knew that staying in Tunisia would not give me the opportunity to do so. I took a leap of faith and travelled all the way to Belgium in 2007 to make my dream a reality. At the beginning, I was unsure about what direction I wanted to go into. Do I continue my studies or do I change my career path? It wasn’t until I got the opportunity to participate in the Diversity project provided by BNP. There were 300 participants and it was open to people of multiple backgrounds. After going through some exams and evaluations, it came down to the final 10 participants, to which I was one of them. This project really elevated my career and made me live out my lifelong dream and I am immensely happy.  

My parents are a great sense of motivation for me. They are two regular people who taught me about the principles and values of working hard. My father, who is a very professional figurehead and my mother, who handled all of the household affairs, are my role models. They both inspire and coach me right until this very day. 

It is important to go into a career field that you absolutely love. Don’t do something that you have no interest in. However, you might find yourself working in a particular sector and along the route you end up finding your true passion, and that is okay! You also have to have a dream or a goal in life. With this, comes a lot of patience. No matter your level of intelligence or where you come from, you have to put in the effort to make your dream a reality. Rêver, rêver et rêver!